Tonight I have my first practice as coach of the Rock Dump Climbing team. I've also rejoined the volunteer firefighters. While it sounds like I may have lost my focus, I have actually found out what I need to do to regain it. I have been mapping out recon flights to make with my dad and planning local trips for the summer.
The Juneau Ice Field is an alpine paradise and I want to explore more of the local walls and spires. A bunch of super secret projects and my little challenge. If anyone wants it here you are. I think it is right around 1000ft wall.
I've learned that dirtbagging is not my style. I like to find a goal and train. I think I get as much out of the training as I do from the climbing. So now I am home and dreaming of granite spires rising from the frozen heart of Juneau Icefield. Untouched, unloved, wet and soggy, waiting to be climbed.
So I'll leave you now with a quote from Gaston Rebuffat's Starlight and Storm:
"So it is that from our dreams are born the great joys of life. But dreams we must have, and all the time. I prefer dreams to memories."